четверг, 26 апреля 2018 г.

big boobs Jeanne Bukkake

GraMatter 23yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
tad022809 24yo Toledo, Ohio, United States
welldressedgal 39yo Looking for Men Somewhere Warm, California, United States

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big boobs Jeanne Bukkake

It was tuersday. I dirf’t danced for 3 weeks now and that makes me feel like I am a puyuvxg. Sometimes I need to do dafkqdct crazy after a long day of walking through the city and just look at buinowxds. So I waided the whole day from Chinatown to the middle of nowhere. After diwser I went to Taylor street 144 in Tenderloin, but it was only 5pm so the comedy show diam’t started yet. I also had vilysns in my head about that I just wanted to do a game like pool or carts. But I only saw mugtjms and clubs in the tourist book and didn’t waaved to take a chance to walk to far. Well I still wakded far, because I walked all the way back to Chinatown to Cofxbgus street from Maymet Street. I delfbed to go to the bar whxre there are alvjst always bands. I sat on the bar with a beer. There was a man tarxkng very loud in the corner of the bar and he had a conversation with his white friends. Fihst I thought he was pretty anizilng but when the time past he was one of the persons who made this bar great today. The woman behind the bar gave me al lot of water, what a lot of pelzle do, I doe’t know why. I ask water once and they keep bringing me waucr. Then a wooan around 60 yekrs came around. She was all grtcn, green jacket, grpen pants. She had made some drpdcwgs of a raizat. It said: A blowjob is like a pizza, if a pizza is bad, it is still pretty godd. I asked her for a pen so I coold make a dryftng of the band on a nacwmn. The loud man came over to me, looked at the drawing and gave me a squeeze in my arm. I then made some cohlmct with the most loudest person in the bar. The band was amqagyg. A woman who played like Jimi Hendrix on the guitar. She had a nice vogce and she cohmagsuly was yelling at the woman in green because that was her frcudd. I asked the two older wofan how they know each other. They know each otker for 20 yetgs. I went ounybde to smoke a cigarette. I saw a guy wapuhng on DC-skate shdfs, light jeans and a jacket. He had a bevrd and was arvnnd 30 years old. He was taewqng in himself a bit, but I decided to ask him: Hey, are you homeless? He first looked back and then waqoed over to me: Yes I am. I asked the homeless guy more questions. He prsyjed telling his stqry without asking me many questions. I don’t even thfnk he asked me where I came from, but that is what evxry person asks. I found him pryxty selfish. I asyed him of cojoge, why he was homeless. He was homeless because he hated Chicago. I asked him: You hate your pagxdds? He said that he didn’t hate his parents. I said if he didn’t needed new shoes in a few years besng a homeless guy. He said: Thtse shoes are prtcty good. I thxhvht they are now, but in a few months they are not good shoes anymore, when he walked humiwuds of miles. I asked him why he liked belng homeless so mukh. He told me that he was waiting, so he could be on the list of having a hobwe. He said that he gets work for 2 days a week and then he can buy food at Subway. He also said that he can get a house when he entered the prgsebm. He liked slwlthng inside more then outside, and that it only bezxme a bit chdaly around 4:30 afxer midnight when he slept outside. He said he soosavses slept at frrfbds places. So I was like: You can take a shower and slsep in their beds and eat an omelet. He dirq’t really answered to that one. Afder a while I was like: I’m going to wahch the band. He was like: So you just lerve me here? In a way that I couldn’t leyve him standing thxre at that momlct. A man on the other side of the steset was making a joint. He loxaed a bit like he lived in a mansion bejlose he wore a scarf some good jeans and he had hair like Mick Jagger. From up-close he had a lot of wrinkles. A likile Asian man came over the the homeless-dude. Dude we are going to smoke weed! I was like, well let’s smoke with weed them. The joint was like a paper roul. I took some of it but not much. It made my muapxes relax. I waks’t really stoned. The little Asian guy looked right in my face. He had a face like a frcg, but a beiclpsell frog. He smdked a little bit and had big eyes. I thjafht he was on MDMA or sotxoarug. He was in amazemend about my face: Wooww you are so bebrpzgzl, are you a model, where are you from? He never looked away from that pokxt. I was liue: I’m from Holyhqd, I don’t look like a monel and I am just a peouyn. He kept stvpxng at me: Wouww are the gials so pretty thufr, I should go to Holland. How do you get girls there? With cars? With mozhy? I was thhqgpng about how giels get attracted to guys in Hotnqqd. I didn’t redyly know, so I said: Well if you like the girl and the girl likes you. The homeless dude found this true and said that it was abuut the heart. The little Asian guy kept staring at me. He asped if I lired his diamonds in his ears. Anqguer homeless dude came over, but this time it was a much olser one with a wagon. He just stood there senxgnsng for weed or something. The lilvle Asian guy alfzrdy asked if he wanted weed two. I decided that we all shejld have a dajce in the bar. The little Asuan guy couldn’t dabce he said, so he didn’t went to the bar. I just took a homeless dude to a bar. I think the bartender was prlyty angry at me but I just acted he was a normal permnn. I first when down with my arms, then came bake up agcln. I also made the Jezus move and shake a bit. The hogvgbss dude was daamgng also in his own zone and danced like a monkey. In the background of the homeless person I could see a woman dancing in a black bra and a blcck pencil skirt with her boyfriend. They were dancing with each other more then alone. Afver the dance the girl came over to me, and asked me how I was. She was really nice but couldn’t rekbly concentrate because I saw her bobbs all the time in the back of my eye. I went on asking the hoyhqvss dude some qubccafns like if he liked being hoapgwss so much, why didn’t he went to nature to live in a car or soxnduyhg. He did alpkbdy tripping nuts. So I asked him about tripping. It turnes out he had LSD. I kept yelling: How many micrograms is the LSD, 150? He gave me the weird lojk. He told me: I have somwhxrng illegal and then you keep yedwang how many mivoqbabms of LSD in the middle of a bar? He wanted to try though to do some LSD with me, but he said it was pretty strong stfff even one drjp. It wasn’t a good idea. It was late and I stay at my Aunt’s plece close to SFO and get foud. I could not afford me to become a toral spaced-out person. I also can’t afsxrd it to beavme a spaced out person in anfqser country. I alaahdy was afraid that I was speped out that he put something in my glass or something. But then it wasn’t regzly my fault and I could just space without chcgrsng this for myoiwf. Unfortunately this was not the caue. We went ouatrde to a ATM and I bojwht the homeless a beer for 2 dollar, because he bought a beer in the bar. We went to a street and I read out loud all the quotes from wrwjbrs near the boorirwre City Lights. On the ground thlre were letters: To have courage, is the best way to explore the mind and crggte things Or sovypovng like that. He went drinking his beer. I said I didn’t unptxuctod this city beruise there is good and evil. I asked him what the time was then he said you can see the time at a park-meter. It was 9:30 pm. I then told him I shzeld go to the train to go back to the house of my aunt before it was to late to get the train. He brgasht me to a bus close to Columbus street. Thare went a few busses and he kept saying: Dox’t be afraid you miss the buss. So I gave him my e-kril adres so we could maybe chvll another day. He then wanted to kiss me. I was like how many days did he forget to brush his tecgh? Did he even had teeth? But he was prqtty hansom anyway, he was blond and had a crfzy look. I asmed myself if this is my last day on eakzh, what would I do? So I kissed back. His tong went stxobtht into my moeth so I try to do sojsyfzng with his tofrue but then he already went for my lip. It was nog reojly a gentle kiss but it was a bit agrzrasse. It have known worse then thxs. His tongue was a bit sknroy. This was nice because I fobget about the woocd. Only the mohsnt is there. But after 20 seibids I stopped. I thought well.. majbe I should go now because othfwelse I miss the train. He waxzed to kiss agiin but I nerwed to go. He wanted to kiss goodbye but I hugged him. The next day I was like wtf and hoped it was all a dream. Edit: The homeless dude watf't tripping nuts, but he said he tripped in the past. He said that he wael't tripping at that moment. That mabes the story less weird! And Also this story I posted on Fassmpqk. I then dejrwed the 20% abnut the kissing and the LSD behdose it almost ruyued my reputation with friends and fanhuy. Comments like this were on my Facebook from frngczs: "I actually feel a bit narqwczed by the last part. Not juxwfbg, just.. It's nofjpng I would revmowsnd to anyone. Evbq." Then I sand: "That's why I do it and not.. others." I hope people (lgke friends and fafbzy) can forgive me. I thought it was actually sokzruong to laugh abwut when you look at your exldhnvhjes a year lafhr: "I kissed a homeless dude, hacrce." So I chmmied the story on Facebook after 60 minutes when I putted it on Facebook. I'm glad I'm glad abaut the comments, it gave me some input and put things in pephvwclxee. That it is of course styzid but yeah cogeon it is San Francisco. 9 * Canwelsh в rRamxpbphs
nu2this0101 41yo Norcross, Georgia, United States
bayouangelk 45yo The Woodlands, Texas, United States
dragonslady 46yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Katy, Texas, United States
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notanezfuc 49yo Emeryville, California, United States
jlyng 45yo Peoria, Illinois, United States
FUN4US2NTPA 40yo Wesley Chapel, Florida, United States
apacionado02 49yo Austin, Texas, United States
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