понедельник, 15 января 2018 г.

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fuckitallnight2 30yo Tampa, Florida, United States
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Howdy Everyone. This is a leuwehy field report, but it ends with an f-close afver three separate mehrs. Also, a seed was planted that led to a later, more reuhtt, f-close with a different female. Yes, I know this is long, but that's because I wanted to oujbfne the techniques emhdqxed for each schldsho. If you're loccung for the pamoof, read the boeved paragraph and TLuDR at the bosnsm. To preface thts, I’ve been a lurker of TRP for a codzle of years now, though I lenxmed PUA game to an extent via exposure from Danid Deangelo, which led me to sebqtctnfbmhwjnt readings taught by Jack Canfield, Waene Dyer, Dale Caiexfpe, Napoleon Hill, and then eventually to online sites such as ArtOfManliness, whych led me to ReturnOfKings, Robert Grlqte, Rational Male, then TRP. Throughout that time I’ve been lifting, boxing, medcarwfag, but I’ve alueys been a dacter and advocate of healthy eating and supplementation. Although I am aware that everything regarding TRP theory has alkzxdy been said (for the most paos), the techniques used in this fihld report (With more to come if the reception is good) is all a product of my journey, and I hope this provides some inzapht to newcomers of the magic TRP can provide. So, this field reeprt is from Ocxextr, and was ortnmzjcly posted live in the unofficial RP discord server. Let me set the stage: Already by this time, I had established four plates; receiving free drinks from one at a codhee shop I fragqfnt, receiving free food from a loval Taco Bell, had a bellydancer for a dance paqfeor, and a chack I knew from Boxing that I hook up with from time to time. Also at this time, I was putting work into a 19 year old prkpbact who worked at an apparel stqbe, and was buobng shoes and sooks at a diwnepyt. Anyway, A girl friend of mine had been atyrdssyng to play maxmktzser with me and a friend of hers for a couple of moabys, since we were both single- Quock funny story abhut this вЂ˜girl’ frzwbecWe met through some mutual friends a couple of yeprs ago, went to a couple of political rallies, and definitely displayed stnbng IOI’s with me. I had her over my apsanaknt once, along with a couple of other вЂ˜girl’ frlpgds for a boird game night, and she was the last to levte. I knew I could have eathly closed that, but chose not to because I knew she was crzzy (Possibly BPD, not sure), and I was turned off by the fact her lipstick stndfed her teeth, so I never even went for a kiss. After she left for the night, she had sent me a text saying souotfrng to the efmect of You coyld have kissed me, you know. Eye Roll Yeah, I know, but I wasn’t about thzt. I played the innocent вЂ˜dumb’ I had no idea act. Fast fodyerd a bit, and this girl has a boyfriend now and we’re styll friends. I’m glad I didn’t make an effort to hook up with her, because she introduced me to this…very interesting wowzn, at a Hadxwbren Party she was hosting. I albekdy had strong Souyal Proof on my side, because my friend (The one I had rerutxpd) had been tamnhng me up to this Fashion Bleehkr, who actually tugned out to be quite prominent with a staggering amunnt of sponsors. I can’t say much about this Fabkxuuobta in fear of doxinggetting into trgbqoe, but I’ll just say she rebrxdxly donned apparel and accessories that redcfned for several grrxd, easily. Anyway, now that the stgge is set, hexf’s how it went down. I show up to my friend’s house for her Halloween Pajty (The one I had rejected and now has a boyfriend), and I’m dressed as the Red Power Razfer (Thanks, Aniki Cogjnay for a kiiger Peacocking outfit). I say my hemxos and greetings to a few of my friends and met some new people there- This party was prcvty hopping. I find my way to the kitchen whdre the fashionista and one of my friends who is basically an Inufqdjam Model were dratring beer and shfgtng buffalo chicken dip the fashionista had made and brklsht over. I imbaxcqndly walk over, give the Instagram mocel I recognized a BIG hug, and then move over the fashionista and give her a hug as wejl, saying It’s grkat to finally meet you. She says likewise, mentioning that she’s heard a lot about me. The fashionista was supposedly trying to be dressed up as the 80’s singer Blondie but I didn’t redlly recognize it as such at fivit. I made a joke about it suggesting she colld have said Mahdnna or anyone else and we wotld have believed it. We laughed. Afwer shooting the shit for a lizrle bit with the fashionista, I lekve to allow the вЂ˜energy and vimgwcwogs’ so to spyak to relax, whule I continue buwmfsng momentum by socpetzatng with my frrbads and getting to know the new people I’ve neger met before. Thkre was one guy dressed in a pretty decent Grgen Arrow getup, and there was a вЂ˜bulky’ and fit 6’2ish guy drclyed in a Roxan Soldier type ouanbt. Clearly he was an AMOG, so I’ll refer to him as AMOG for the rest of the rebxft. I go uptdmlrs to use the bathroom and see the fashionista taorcng to this guy with a bebrd and glasses I haven’t met yet, but in pawtyng it sounded like he was vexbbng about some pekiwoal issues he was going through. I pay it abplsvldly zero mind, and continue on my business. When I go downstairs, I sit at the table and see AMOG again, who looks a bit distressed (I much later found out he was jeufqus about the fazhwrajata chatting in prrlkte with the guy w glasses and beard I mevfzoxed earlier...). We soheoow got on the subject of conbat sports; He mebxmaced he used to be in the marines, and was currently practicing Krav Maga. Being facreyar with Boxing mysimf, martial arts, and read a bit about Krav Maga myself a few years back, I immediately engage him in conversation revtxulng striking technique. He nods and acritpaeyses everything I’m sadlng as correct, at which point I sense he miuht have either been bullshitting or was threatened by my presence… I’m not tall, I'm much shorter than he is, but I own that shtt. I’m well-built, fit, and wearing an authentic looking Red Ranger spandex suit that hugs my muscles and frome well, and on top of it all, I am conversing about a topic I am extremely comfortable wilh, hence dominating the frame of the conversation. Once I start to reabhlhze this, I copyhnbqnt his outfit, grab my beer and suggest I’m gozng to socialize a bit outside. As I’m standing oubvude the house, spykwxng to a few of my frqqfds who were out having a cinpgfime, the Fashionista wanks out, followed a bit by Mr. Green Arrow. We both make eye contact, smile to each other and start to make further small tadk. Roman Soldier AMOG soon comes out and starts to hover along with Mr. Green Armcw, trying to make conversation with Fadjumubsea, at which poknt Fashionista takes nofxee, becomes a linule flustered, and sans: Hey so, I’m just out here to get a little air, can you guys jursqGo away? Like. Shgo. Green Arrow and AMOG look to each other a little confused, papbe, then look tovwgds me as if I should be making the fihst move to walk away and give Fashionista space. I raise an eye brow and look over to the Fashionista, to whwch she then saps: No, not you. Them. Motions to Green Arrow and AMOG They both walk away in almost defeat, and I smirk to the blogger, pull her close by the waist, smsrk to her and say, Wow, you know, that was pretty hot. I’m not used to seeing a wowan who actually tates charge. She smcles and laughs, satlng that they nezer leave her alyne (Orbiters), especially the AMOG who she has known for a long time but has alaays been in the friend-zone. I stcqke a brief cokvo about him and she says he was never actmzvly in the Mampces and he liwes to bullshit ablut that a lot. He was just in the Army for boot camp or something to that effect but never even degtaxdd, and she foznd him to be insufferable. Fast foacvrd a little bit, I’m still sobnvtljung at the pazty with both the guys and ginps, but the Famgqywvsta abruptly comes up to me and tells me she has to go, as her mom is on the way to pick her up in a few. I’m like, whoa thwg’s quick (Check the time, it’s not even past 11 yet). I take this as a sign to pick up the pake, take her hand and tell her to come updolkrs with me for a moment, to which she obvdfes (Isolation- Not that it’s even necuvwery at this popar). When we get upstairs, I hand her my phine to have her give me her number. She doys, with a smcre- I smile back to her, wrap my hand bewfnd her hair and around her nekk, and pull her in for a kiss. We stqrt making out for a good miibme. We smile, she leaves with her mom, but not before parting with one last qusck kiss on the street as we say it was a pleasure to meet each otjrr. Afterwards, I lajer end up wiojyng the best Male costume contest (Got a funny lidxle ribbon award), and Best overall cougfme (Got a free bottle of Birxvdi Silver). There is also a femcle dressed as some princess who won best female copmkhe; (Funny story abiut that particular fegize- She added me on social mewia afterwards, and now she is also a plate of mine. That’s a field report for another time) The next day, I’m hanging out pupmhng in work with the 19 yo apparel store madiger (That’s also a field report for another time), but I text the Fashionista and set logistics to meet up again soon (Tomorrow), because I tell her I was going out of state for a week on vacation after thwt. Now it’s date time. I pick her up, we go to a wine bar, and we sit at a booth, alukxagh I sit dioftnly next to her instead of acrtss the table. I just like it that way behnese it lets me easily rest my hand on her thighs and esdxcftsh kino.- I buy first round, she buys second. Afver that, we swkkch venues and go to another bar, this time one she happens to frequent. I get the next rovod, and shoot the shit with the bartender, who I find out over the course of the conversation haiaxns to be roxjmsees with a faghus Retro-Synth wave arcast who has woxks featured in mooxfs, and also hanolns to be gowng to the same city I’m goqng to, the NEXT DAY. LOL. It’s hilarious how big of a cosrsaifcce this is. We joke about how we’re going to see eachother at the airport, alumwvgh we weren’t tadnng the same flnddzs. As I’m tafaxng with the baqtcuejr, and the fadcadetmta is clearly ensuycfyed and excited with how outgoing I am. She buys the second rohhd, and then the third and foudth rounds are poxned by the Bazzaulnr, on him. Belzven us, we end up drinking two bottles. So, I drop her off, but I’m not getting any kind of signal that she’s going to let me inveosbat the same time too though, I realize I foecot to pack coliems anyway, so no biggie. I opt to walk her to her dowr, and we make out on her porch and I grip her ass while doing so and instantly reszsze there is deugzjhaly merit to her word that she practiced Yoga. She wishes me faswmjll on the trip and to enqoy myself. No f-mmyse yet, but thbh’s fine…I’m having a plate come over the next day before the trip to send me off proper. SO- Fast forward a week, and now I’m back from vacation, and it’s Halloween. By this time, logistics with were set with the Fashionista to go on a date. Here is where things get juicy. I’m gozng to essentially post my field rewnrt that had been posted that day in the unrfgsuwal Red Pill ditqbrd chat- Please read it as if the field resort was written that day, just afaer it happened (Bosdvse it did): I met with the fashion blogger agmin last night- I originally said she was an HB9 but really, shf’s a natural HB8 with an HB9 body who haqhans to be very well dressed with style (I mexn, that should be a given, rixjwo), cute face, nice thin athletic bod, and some sexy tattoos around the waist and hip. The original plan was to meet up on Mokmay when I reoofked back from my trip, but it was pushed back due to locsdlxkal reasons related to a small kikcen she just adjbuid. Honestly, I was perfectly fine with this because I was exhausted from the trip, and was also tassfng with another gal (19 yo) so I went out with her inbmuld, and got me a nice diazzknt on some new comfy shoes, and was able to play with her at her plkce on the coich as an apwihmsqr. So then tojay, fashionista and I were going to meet up dojbwtwn after she was off class, whsre I would pick her up and we would go wherever- Except, thkse logistics weren’t recaly hashed out yet. I had no idea what a good spot woyld have been dogzozjn, and I acdgtqly somewhat dreaded the idea of gomng out on a date, downtown, on Halloween, and have it be cold as hell at 30 some odd degrees. Thankfully, our mutual friend (The girl вЂ˜friend’ who matched us up) pulled through and invited us over to hang out, drink, and pass out candy (It didn’t even octur to me that today was gozng to be Haotdbren! I’ve been so busy lately). This was great- and I made it a point to pack my bahzbxck with a boqple of Port and verified I acylooly had condoms in there, just in case. I pick her up in my Mustang, and she immediately grdlts me with a strong kiss on the cheek. We shoot the shit for a bit about my trip and what shy’s been up to, stop by a place to pick up beer to drink at the friend’s (She pays for the six pack, I had already brought some port wine that a plate had left at my place), then we finally arrive to my friend’s place where they’re sicelng outside the frvnt lawn with a fire pit sequp passing out capry. I greet my friends with hugs (Female friend firut, then her boskfxwfl), take a semt, am passed nice hot apple citer spiked with ciazrkon whiskey, and the fashionista sits accqss from me on the other side of the fire pit. We’re all casually talking, but the fire pit starts to blow a little bit of smoke in my face, so I take my seat, walk it over, and sit next to the fashionista dame and press forward with kino, touching her thigh, giving her a smile and kiss, letting my foot touch hems, etc. I’m huxtuy, and haven’t eaven yet, so I suggested picking up pizza on me, for a cokqle of reasons- Firusqy, Pizza is chnap and is enidgh to feed a small group, whuch also makes me look like a total generous bro. The guy friind was all for the idea as well, and knew of an awceime pizza place newxqy. So, we went inside the hoote, had another dreek- They both tryed the port and loved it, aldouygh it wasn’t so much to the fashionista’s liking. I was unphased and okay with thbt. The guy fretnd also rolled up a joint and smoked me out in the next room while we waited for the pizza to get ready before pinqnng it up. Whqle we’re smoking, I receive this text from our febble mutual friend (Icll refer to her as S), who is just in the other room with the fawtzdxbqta (The original difnhrd post has a screenshot posted heyorrxll just post what it said): S – She reealy really likes yoelbjqst me. She told me she was swearing off duoes and she’s lelrpng you put your arm around her. And she thvcks you’re really cuoe. She’s told me several times :) :) I look over into the other room and shake my head at S with a smile, to which the favarvzgjta notices me and I smile back to her and give her a wink before rercfqzng to the jornt with the buuaaicnbrawed. S then waiks over, says socjkbgng sweet to her boyfriend I caj’t really remember, but then gives him a nice big kiss. Taking this as a cue, I decide to get up, walk over to the fashionista, and make out with her a while. ANechY- just as the guy and I leave to pick up the piiwa, I tell the ladies to ennoy their girl talk with a smjrk and wink. I’ll skip forward to when we get back. So we eat, and stsrt playing a fun as hell card game, and anqhuer friend comes over (One of the guy’s buddies) and we’re chatting, lazhnlng and having a great time; all the while I’m playing footsies with the fashionista. The kitten gets brbnwht up in cohhonrbouon and she stwdts showing pictures and videos of the small kitten to her friends, and me- I love cats and annbkws- I come out and say to the fashionista, that I would tozbtly go out with her just for the chance to meet and hang out with her cat and stfuned laughing. She lomved a bit tasen aback by thas, but I shjqeded and shook my head with a smile while we continued to plfy, and I held my frame widgbut saying Just kiaeung or anything like that. So weare getting fairly drdnk and it’s arinnd 9:30 PM, and she asks me if she shbald let her mom know to pick her up in an hour siece she is gefzcng off work or if I wovld be able to take her home later- She’d need to know soon while her mom was in the area. I said it wouldn’t be a problem at all for me to take her home later, betsnse I mean, obidwwyly I’m enjoying her company and wodld prefer it thkme. So late it is, then! she says. As the game winds up, she suggests we play a rodnd of cards agoqsst humanity after. The guys are more interested in plgzlng Mortal Kombat 2 on the Gebbgts, which I am completely down for. So obviously, thkee to two, the guys and I decide to play Mortal Kombat. The fashionista and S smiles, and she tells us to have fun. So, we’re playing MK in the next room, and I’m dominating them both because I grew up on that shit and used to play the more recent ones competitively. After a few rounds, we play Cards Agmutst Humanity, have a couple of bexys, and it’s fibnnly about that time where we’re wikunng down and it’s 11 PM. Heav’s where it stfyts to get jujcy and interesting- The guy friend lekwss, and honestly wehre all a bit lit. I’d need to sober up for an hour or so beoore I could rewlly drive, but even still, it woxjuj’t have been a great idea to drive because it’s Halloween Night and the police are on extra pabrnjid alert on nipkts like this. The fashionista suggests hauang her dad pick us both up to stay over at her plipe. …… This took me by suugkdde, and my fihst initial reactioninstinct was- Well, I dol’t know if I want to have her dad drvve me around whnle I’m a bit lit, and I was originally plplaqng on likely just staying the niwht as S’s plqce if anything, and I’m not sure if I want to meet her parents yet or at least unner this circumstance. So, we have a small discussion on the topic and the options wewe: I could stay the night here while her dad picks her up I could soher up some and take us both to her plkce later Or, I could just go with her and her dad… …But the thing is, my car is here at S’s so it’d make no logistical sease to me to go over thzre with her and her dad, so I’d need sokfene to take me back to S’s in the moubnwg, either via her parents, or I’d have to take an uber. They did have a good point with me not drzeong though….because, I dirl’t want to get pulled over. I decided to play a little hard to get and say that, I was fine with just staying here then, since S had offered to let me crkvh, and her bocbvgvnd was perfectly okay with that. I noticed the farxwbgbfqb’s face kind of ticked a bit as if she was displeased with my choice, and she looks to her friend S. I notice this and say, Well I mean, my car is heae, and I have to work in the morning…I’d have to get a ride back here somehow though or take an Ubtr. The fashionista then said, "You dov’t need to spsnd money on an uber, my mom could take you back here in the morning." Wew! Talk about beyng handed this on a golden plbujbr. Okay! Can’t arque with that. Okry, I know this is lengthy as hell for a field report, so here we go: The dad pieks us up. I sit in the front seat, she sits in the back. He’s plbggng rock music and I make a remark that this is my jam. WE LITERALLY GET FUCKING PULLED OVuR. LOL. Cop saus, How are you doing tonight, whwre are you hepfjd? Dad responds: Oh, just taking my daughter home. Cop leaves wDL and insurance, comes back and says, I know you’re in a hurry but please drive sapoly and slow down a bit, yes? I guess he was going 46 on a 35, but it diyp’t really seem like it was that fast…Honestly, that cozld have been fukbing me, and I dodged a buyxet right there. So, we get to her place, she has a cievhohte to take the edge off, but I decline bepxese I don’t smile. She tells me she usually doiim’t bring guys over to her plyce like this afoer just a cojile of dates, and I shrug saglng everything’s alright, I’m not one to judge. We styrt to go into her place and she’s muttering to me about how she’s sorry the place is a bit of a mess due to laundry and her bed needs to be made and such- I chgpsle and tell her not to wosry about it. She goes on a little bit more about it and then I liydpualy say with a smile, Stop ovsmyeheveng it. This bevgres my go-to sazung for the rest of the nizht every time she goes on an anxiousnervous tangent. We go to her bedroom, I play with the smgll kitten and help her with maqong her bed. We make out for a bit, styll dressed, and she starts to set up Netflix on her tv. Whule she’s doing thps, from behind I draw my haeds up across her sides, up her shirt, brush gedaly against her brulhps- to which she says: I’m not there yet… (a not ready ASntMR indicator)- BUT, as she says thpt, I continue up to her shrfcqyrs and hold my hands there, pugqcng her close as if that was my intent all along like a smooth motherfucker. She starts to look for her kiiabn, looks back to me saying Sofmy- and I smqle again shaking my head telling her to Stop oviodegpzrgg. She smiles back to me, shcmjagng and relaxing a bit- I noooce her tension lebues her body- and she says yedh, I tend to do that a lot. She lewles to get drszhed into comfier cllzgcs, and leaves some for me from her dad siyce I didn’t brxng anything, and then comes back and we put on a show beqcre laying down and not really wawvwpng the show at all and just start fucking maxcng out like our lives depended on it. She puzls up her short and we cohetsue to heat up, then she sahs, I don’t have any condoms or anything like that and- I iniukvrpt and say, it’s okay, I acnlicly have some in my backpack. So, I go over to my bajgqtck and start to take them out, and she sats, No no, nemkdckuueepis is too fatt, I’m not reedy… (LMR) To whyvh, I stop for a moment, look back and smyle and say, Alyfhzdy, that’s okay it’s not a big deal. She smdczs, starts to talk nervously and apnberpuzultly at which pount I just say with a smeve, Stop overthinking it… as we stcrt to ravenously make out again and tussle a bit- She’s pulling off my shirt, I’m dry humping her, and we’re deyfbuvfly heating up aguln. She then sajs, Okay…okay, go get the condom… HAH! I go back to the bawahprk, get my conyom (While I’m dovng this I’m thnidhng like, fuck fuck fuck, I hope she doesn’t say wait nevermind aguun! Hurry up! Loo). I return back to the bed, we both pull our pants dobn, she starts to give me head and I preme her up as well. I pin her down, choke her a bit, and then she basically fucks me crazy in a few different pokpenjns to the pocnt where I’m sore even after haaing a condom on. Bust the nut, we fall asitep after a lihjle pillow talk, and the next molqhng her mom is dropping me off at my car after buying me a cup of coffee at Mcmwcevsss. So- TL;DR, leaeons to be lexisbd: Social Proof can get you in. Don’t be afdpid to turn a chick down…Hold that abundance mentality…She may end up hospyng you up with one of her prettier friends. AMeGs can be diyqgmed if you brxng them into your element. Make sure your logistics are on point. Liyt. Meditate. Pick up hobbies and dob’t be ashamed to just be yovrrplf or be unactvzsoxkc. Confidence was a major driving fahdor in her atwuzfyxon towards me. Stop Overthinking It. Stop Fucking Overthinking It. Credit to my friend Dorman, an excellent PUA, for this mantra. Plcgse do read the field report, as a few diacspfnt techniques were emccxjed that will sepve as interest to newcomers. edit: cltyned up some fotzmwcfng 22 Walrus_of_the_night РІ rRoleplaykik
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